本帖最后由 良太 于 2017-2-22 10:37 编辑
这座风格独特,坐落于波尔图拉戈德圣多明哥斯广场旁74号的建筑于2013年迎来了一次全面的改造。在外,建筑立面朴素无华,与相邻建筑形成了鲜明对比;在内,从古老钢铁库房改造而来的室内空间开阔而连贯。建筑师需要在将这个狭长高耸空间改造为舒适酒店空间的同时,维持其略带粗野的氛围。 In 2013 a building with a charming personality was found in the n.74 of the dynamic Largo de São Domingos, in Porto. Among a set of dwelling buildings this one stood out by the austerity of its facade and the large and free open interior, charactreristics of an old iron warehouse. The main object of the project was to transform a wide and deep spaece into an hotel of charm, maintaining its original atmosphere. ▼ 建筑立面朴素无华,与相邻建筑形成了鲜明对比, The building stood out by the austerity of its facade
天井 Central patio 位于建筑中部的天井将明亮的自然光线引入内部,点缀其中的绿植则带来了勃勃生机。 The interior of the building was designed with a central patio allowing plenty of light inside and vivid spaces. ▼ 天井将明亮的自然光线引入内部,点缀其中的绿植则带来了勃勃生机,The central patio allows plenty of light inside and vivid spaces
一层空间 Gourd Floor 前台接待空间与公共起居空间位于一层,面对着街道。 The reception and the main living room were designed facing the street. ▼ 前台接待空间,The reception