1. "兀的美术馆创始人"和"兀物进口家居创始人"应该用英文名字来表达,例如"Founder of WU Art Gallery"和"Founder of WU Imports".
2. "半舍是一家2016年成立于济南的空间设计公司"可以改为"半舍是一家于2016年在中国山东济南成立的空间设计公司"来更加准确地描述公司的位置。
3. "感受到城市的温度来自于人、设计的灵感来自心情的愉悦,而非积压的抱怨与妥协"中的"积压的抱怨与妥协"可以改为"消极的情绪和妥协"来更加清楚地表达意思。
4. "相信有温度的设计,能改变一座城"可以改为"我们坚信,充满温度的设计能够改变整个城市"来强调设计的影响力。
"The best design is the one that understands the city and its people, and reflects their desires and aspirations." - Li Shen, Founder of WU Art Gallery
"In a world of compromises and complaints, it takes courage to create designs that truly inspire. At Half House Design, we embrace our clients' needs and strive for perfection in every project. We believe that warm and thoughtful design has the power to transform not just spaces, but entire cities."
—— 序赞Ai@ChatGPT