意大利米兰 NEOLITH 生活体验店 | HRuiz-Velazquez Architecture and design
3321 0 3 2 2021-07-06
设计师 西班牙,室内设计528
设计师 西班牙,室内设计528
关于作者:Hector Ruiz Velázquez born in Puerto Rico is the founder and CEO of HRUIZ VELAZQUEZ architecture & design Team.
Arrived on the European continent in 1992 with a solid American university education with a Master Degree of Architecture from the University of Virginia, USA with studio sponsorships from the Universities of Harvard, Columbia, Madrid Polytechnic Architectural School and Academy of Andrea Palladio, Vicenza Italy. He came to Spain to work with Prizker price winner Rafael Moneo and later joined Alberto Campo Baeza Studio until he opened his own firm.…。