本帖最后由 北京同济冰珀 于 2020-3-14 16:18 编辑
項目類型:醫療 項目面積:23.4萬.0㎡ 裝飾設計:WPD香港王冰珀國際設計事務所 軟裝設計:山東玉珀文化傳媒有限公司 主創設計:王冰珀(王冰)、時洁 負責團隊:于明星、王性灿、洪德坤
濟寧市立醫院是市政府根據我市醫療資源配置,結合太白湖新區經濟社會發展的需求,是完善新區功能,提升新區品質投資建設的三級甲等綜合醫院項目,也是濟寧市重要的惠民項目之壹,計劃總投資 23.5億元 Jining municipal government is based on the allocation of medical resources in our city and the needs of the economic and social development of taibaihu new area. Jining municipal government is a three-level first-class general hospital project to improve the functions of the new area and improve the quality of the new area. It is also one of the important projects to benefit the people in jining, with a total investment of 2.35 billion .