近日,知名设计奖项意大利A’Design Awards发布2018-2019届大赛获奖作品,道胜设计分别凭借保利芳华苑销售中心以及 MAYS 餐厅从全球超过180个国家的参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获Interior Space and Exhibition Design室内空间与展示设计类别双银奖,这已经是道胜设计第三次荣获意大利A’Design设计大奖荣誉。
Recently, the well-known design award A'Design Awards of Italy released the winners of the 2018-2019 competition. DAOSHENG DESIGN has won the Interior Space and Exhibition Design Silver Award for its interior space and exhibition design category through the Glorious Youth Sales Center. This is the third time that Daosheng Design has won the A'Design Award in Italy.
The competition has received more than 20,000 design works from around the world. After fair and impartial anonymous evaluation and careful evaluation by professional judges, only 3-5% of the works become the winners of the competition.
获奖作品 | Awarded Works 保利芳华苑销售中心 Glorious Youth Sales Center
Designers try to break the shackles of the commercial design of sales centers and look for the beauty of art on the basis of humanities. Bookstores are set up in the sales department to be dedicated to book lovers. Art sculpture can be seen everywhere in space, and aesthetic conception can be placed in pure space.
项目信息 Project Information
项目名称 | Entry Name 保利芳华苑销售中心 Glorious Youth Sales Center 项目业主 | Customer 保利发展控股集团股份有限公司 Poly Development Holding Group co. LTD 室内设计 | Interior Design 广州道胜设计有限公司 | DAOSHENG DESIGN 软装设计 | Soft Outfit Design 广州道胜设计有限公司 | DAOSHENG DESIGN
设计总监 | Design Director 何永明 | YongMing He 摄影 | Photographer 彭宇宪 | Peng Yu Xian
获奖作品 | Awarded Works MAYS 餐厅 MAYS RESTAURANT