本帖最后由 nbcni 于 2024-10-16 10:30 编辑
Break to Establish
当新的时代来临,旧事物只能被追忆与留恋。如何抵御时间的摧残,不让它们仅存在回忆之中,是设计师们恒久的主题。 The old things can always be kept only in memories withnostalgic feelings when the new age rolls in, but for designers, it's apermanent pursuit to keep them up to date.
五角场创新创业学院是由一个拥有独立庭院的老厂房改造而成共享办公空间,身躯经历了风雨沧桑,建筑本身就体现着“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”的创业精神,以卓越不凡的姿态拥抱当下创新办公新模式。城市如浪潮奔腾般发展变迁,建筑则因其持久的属性被留存,如同凝固的音乐,被赋予了情感记忆及历史价值。 Shanghai Penta Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute is a shared working space renovated froman old plant. With its own courtyard, the building itself endured vicissitudesof history, embodying the enterprising spirit of "starting over theimpregnable pass, though it's full of bumps", and embracing the innovativeoffice model with a inclusive posture. The city develops and changes as tides,but buildings should be preserved for their duration, just like the classicalmusic full of precious memory and historical value.