项目名称:开山设计顾问办公室 项目地址:中国·厦门 设 计 师:郭坤仲 、蔡小城 项目类别:办公室 面 积:780.0㎡ 设计说明: 本案设计在保留了原有老厂房粗墙和老物件的同时加入几个新建筑盒子的组合游戏,构成了别具玩味的办公空间,同时在满足功能的基础上合理的处理了空间的松紧,明暗,动静等关系,既实用又清雅。 Instruction of Design: The case design while retaining theoriginal old plant coarse wall and old objects at the same time adding severalnew building box combination game, constitute the unique ponder of officespace, and on the basis functions satisfy the reasonable processing thetightness of the space, light and shade, static and dynamic relationship, bothpractical and elegant.