本帖最后由 大陀螺 于 2017-3-13 12:02 编辑
顶楼一直是奢华的代名词, 虽然很多方面受限制可能有点不能达到,并不意味着你不能把一些令人难以置信的设计理念融入到你自己的家中来, 看着这些令人惊叹的顶层公寓和他们的细致的设计,找到你可以带入自己的空间的想法,设计也是处处有惊喜的~ 这家位于曼哈顿住宅拥有与著名的纽约天际线一览无余庞大落地窗, 设计师注重家具的设计与空间的利用,用L形沙发和小书架搭配组合。 This Manhattan house has a huge floor-to-ceiling window with the famous New York skyline. The designer focuses on the design of furniture and the use of space, with L-shaped sofa and small bookshelves with a combination. 木镶板不一定就是旧时的设计, 这些时尚,温暖的木板是现代化的老式豪华。 Wood paneling doesn’t have to be a thing of the past! These sleek, warm wood panels are a modern twist on old-school luxury. 冷静的空间中总需要一些元素来吸引你,艳丽的红色家具,冲击力十足的墙面挂画,无一不在吸引着你的眼球。 Calm space in the total need for some elements to attract you, bright red furniture, the impact of the wall full of paintings, and both are attracting your eyes. |