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设计单位:深圳市新冶组设计顾问有限公司 主案设计:陈武 参与设计:新冶组设计团队 总面积:1200.0㎡ 竣工时间:2015.12.25 项目地址: 苏州市吴江区松陵镇笠泽路恒森国际广场杰克酒吧 选材:昆仑玉、咖啡雨林、斑马石、松香玉、仿石砖、艺术漆、氟碳漆、艺术玻璃、金属锻打、黑钛金、不锈钢仿古板拼花、铁艺网、铜片、老船木、云石透光板 Company: SHENZHEN NEWERA DESIGN CONSULTANT CO.,LTD Chief Designer: Chen Wu Designers: NEWERA DESIGN Gross Area: 1200.0㎡ Completion Time: 25/12/2015
Project Address: Jack Bar, Heng Sen International Square, Lize Road, Songlin Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou
Main materials: Kunlun jade, brown stone, zebra-stripe stone, rosin jade, stone-like brick, art lacquer, Fluorocarbon paint, art glass, metal forging, titanium black, stainless steel, iron art, sheet copper, old ship wood, transparent board.
谁说夜店没文化?中国首家新中式酒吧在苏州诞生 The First New Chinese Style Bar in Suzhou
杰克酒吧位于江苏吴江新城区商业中心市体育场及市政府行政办公中心区域。1000平方米的娱乐空间,耗资2000万元打造,成就了最具江南特色的高档商业娱乐场所之一, Jack Bar locates in CBD of Suzhou; stadium and government surround it. Jack Bar covers over 1000.0㎡and costs 20 million RMB, which becomes the most distinctive entertainment arena.
设计师在杰克酒吧设计上不以只是风格作为规划主题的首要表现,而是揣摩经营者对于这个空间的热诚与期待,继而成为创意发想的元素与能量,在掌握到的经营者模式下,将苏派建筑风格传统元素,镂刻于立面上,作为与企业精神─研发与解构,完整呼应,衍生客制化的专属魅力。 Designers not only set the style of Jack Bar, but also consider how to operate this nightclub. So Su Style Architecture could be deeply shown in this case. NEWERA DESIGN totally achieves profession and customization.
在消费呈现饱和甚至带有浮躁心理的时代下,稀少的就是极具优势的,中式酒吧的出现恰好弥补了市场这一空缺,并很好的吻合了部分人群追求怀旧的心理。杰克酒吧在一定程度上满足了人们追求品位和内涵的心理。习惯了酒吧光怪陆离,人们对于中式低调独特的神秘氛围报以好奇,设计师将苏派建筑风格特色运用至杰克设计之中,有的是满满满江南园林Feel,一扇扇镂空雕花屏风、圆形洞门,烛台吊灯、鸟笼式的舞台.....为酒吧神秘中增加时空交错的氛围。 Nowadays, people live in fast-pace society. It seems like everything is excessive. In this case, less is more. Chinese style bar is the “less” one. It not only occupies vacancy of market, but also caters to nostalgic mentality and classic taste. Su Style is applied in this case; people can feel the beauty of gardens through carving screen, portal, candlestick droplight, “cage stage”……
设计师将杰克营造出的那种儒雅的文化环境与酒吧娱乐融合,体现出高层次的审美与文化修养,即吻合现代人娱乐需求又能充分体现传统中式的典雅风味。室内软装家具以中褐色真皮皮沙发,配上传统中国红灯光加之传统元素屏风隔断的设计,很好的避免了古典中式风格所带来的沉闷压抑之感,让酒吧里的传统元素更为协调。 Jack Bar links culture and entertainment together, satisfies people who both need aesthetic appreciation and entertainment life. Designers utilize brown leather sofa and traditional screen to break old-fashioned Chinese style decoration. Everything looks harmony in Jack Bar.
相信只要来过杰克的消费者们定会对杰克酒吧所营造出来的典雅的气息赞不绝口。 People who come to Jack Bar would appreciate the elegant atmosphere for sure! i