本帖最后由 BliTzmAn 于 2016-1-15 10:49 编辑
设计公司:洪德成设计顾问(香港)有限公司 完成时间:2015.11 项目地点:深圳观澜 面积大小:82.0㎡ 主要材料:翡冷翠玉石、爵士白云石、装饰镜面、艺术夹丝玻璃、特色墙纸、木地板 文字撰写/翻译:杨山鹏 “海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹”……我们有如此之多的句子来赞美“蓝”,它妖艳、妩媚,不懈与其他的颜色媲美。设计灵感来源于奥迪-Midnight Poison香水,以浅蓝色为主要色调,优雅神秘,低调奢华,犹如辛迪蕾拉,展示出女人的艳丽和浪漫。各个室内空间里弥漫着不同的香气,将国际品牌性质的皮革与工艺融入到项目中。整体设计风格清新自然,好似来到北国的花海,处处散发着迷人的气息,把人带入了美轮美奂的梦境。欧式家具的点缀,让整个室内空间增添了一丝典雅。桌上摆放着的精致器皿、五金件、陈设品,这一切的一切,不禁让人回想起了《爱丽丝梦游仙境》里面的场景,疯狂的帽子先生和疯疯癫癫的兔子。如果你是男人,你会因为它的大气而吸引住;如果你是女人,你会因为它的温馨而感动…… “Seawater is greenishorchid so that lead people to make contrast with emerald;but sapphire is toodark to depict for maters.”We have so many poetry phrases to present blue,forit has such personalities as pretty,coquettish and unremitting to compare withother colours.Inspiration of design sourced from Dior Midnight Poison andprojected to apply wathet as main tone which is graceful,mysterious,lowkey andluxurious,much like Cinderella to bring out beauty and romance ofwomen.Interiors are suffused with distinct fragrance and internationalwell-known leather and craftwork are brought into the project.The atmosphere isfresh and natural,as if we placed ourselves in the ocean of flowers in thenorth and felt charming breath emitting out of it,ended up with leading to astunning dreamland.Decorated with European style furnitures,the entire room isadded an air of classic.Installations and furnishings lay out on the tablearouse me to recall two typical characters Heater and Rabbit in the movie‘Alice in Wonderland.’If you are man,you would be attracted by itsmagnificence;if you are lady,you would be touched by its gentleness.