nendo的新总部位于建筑大师丹下健三于1977年在日本东京港区设计的一栋大楼中。大楼呈L造型布局,外表面通体覆盖玻璃幕墙,临靠着绿色公园。因此,nendo设计师的设计出发点是希望“基于外部的美丽”而非是“基于内部之功能”。 The Sogetsu Kaikan in Minato ward, Tokyo, was designed by one of the pioneers of modern Japanese architecture, Kenzo Tange. It was constructed in 1977, and also known for housing Tange’s own offices on its 10th floor. It is primarily characterized by its half-mirrored curtain wall exterior, reflecting the greenery from the Akasaka Estate opposite, and its planar construction, allowing for a clear and unobstructed view by diagonally cutting through its L-shaped lines of flow. Considering these characteristic features, we have sought to come up with “a design inspired by the exterior aesthetics”, rather than “a design based on interior functionality” so often seen in office buildings. 室内的布局配合建筑的L造型,让流动性达到最大化;同时将室外幕墙这个要素引入室内,“复制”在室内空间中,作为室内隔断,隔断幕墙采用与室外幕墙相同的铝合金窗框。设计师对镜面反射效果利用红外反射膜和油漆进行了很多的实验,找到了最佳的反射效果镜面。为了确保反射效果,幕墙隔断两侧的地板也采用了对称式安装。实现了强烈而统一的整体室内设计效果。 Firstly, the interior layout has been designed to fit in with the L-shaped lines of flow and diagonal shafts to as great an extent as possible, and the exterior curtain wall has also been replicated indoors. As the original aluminium window frames were special-ordered and their dies and molds are now out of production, these aluminium window frames have been extruded anew. We experimented widely with a variety of IR reflecting and paints in order to precisely recreate the colouring of the original half-mirrored exterior and sashes. And in order to accentuate the reflection of the half-mirror, the flooring material has been fitted symmetrically in relation to the curtain wall. The result is an interior design that allows one to get a strong sense of the character and form of the building as a whole.