Architecture and fashion –two indispensable layers of skin outside the human body– have always played a critical role in the design industry. Even if one is huge as a mountain and the other thin as a feather, these two share much in common: both are the result of hundreds of design prototypes developed after years of exploration. Whether as creative sketches or finished products, they all stimulate our inspiration. But perhaps from a certain point of view, fashion design could be considered the most fortunate. While new vogue trends arise in spectacular ways all the time, it normally takes years to erect a building from its design phase to its final stage. 作为我们身体之外不可或缺的两层表皮——建筑与时装,从来都在设计界具有举足轻重的地位。虽然他们一个是重如泰山的庞然大物,一个是轻如蝉翼的薄薄一层;它们却又有着很多共同之处:都是经过几百种设计原型在年复一年地探索后的产物;无论是勾画出的创意草图还是最终成品,总能激发人们新的灵感。可从某种角度来看,或许时装设计更幸运。当时尚界在紧锣密鼓不停地推陈出新领导潮流时,一栋建筑通常从设计到建成却需要几年的时间,于是从这个层面上来说建筑在建好那一刻就“过时”了。而或许这也是促成建筑设计界大佬OMA与时尚界风向标Prada多年合作的一种可能性原因。2007年至今OMA几乎包揽了Prada的几大发布会的秀场设计,他们抓住机会在这个过程中不断进行着对于设计、文化、时尚等的研究、探索与实践。