从尺度、规模、形式和使用上来说,这个位于北京中学校园里的项目都介于风雨操场与正式体育场之间,我们称其为“1/2体育场”。 The project calls for an intervention of the existing sport ground in a public school of Beijing. We define the project as a 1/2 stadium because the scale, size, formal expression and use of the architecture stand in between an official stadium and a blank sport field. 由于周边城市道路的调整,令学校原来的标准操场被占用。即将到来的校舍扩建计划,令位于教学楼北侧这个三分之一处在阴影笼罩里的老旧操场成为该校唯一的室外活动场地。操场南侧靠近教学楼处有一个L 12 X W 7.8 X H 0.8米的大理石主席台,用作日常课间操的领操台以及举办学校活动的舞台。主席台对面是全长120米的红色大理石台阶。校长希望可以通过改造以上两个设施,解决原有风雨操场形象陈旧的问题。对于总面积达1.7万.0㎡的场地来说,原主席台800mm高的散落式建筑片段毫无意义。——主席台处于教学楼的阴影里,渺小而不起眼;遥遥相望的主席台与看台大台阶相隔超过70米,观看与被观看者之间很难感受到对方的存在;操场的西面隔着一排树木的地方,两个过于隐蔽的篮球场利用率低下;教学楼的阴影下的人行道上则散放着十几张常年不见太阳的乒乓球桌;原有的汉白玉栏杆升旗台与学校年轻的形象格格不入。 多种复杂功能之间缺乏有效的联系,难以形成强烈的场所感。 The site is in the northern part of the school where one-third of it is in the shadows throughout the year. It's charged with a negative emotion and solitude which contrast greatly with the various activities that happen there every day. Originally the sport field consists of an irregular track surrounded by an outdoor stage, a long stand, a flag-raising platform,severaltable-tennis tables, and two basketball fields. In the beginning, principal of the school asked for a renovation of the existing 12mx8mx0.8m outdoor stage and a 120-meter longstand opposite to the stage. However we think that on a site which measures 170,000 square meters, a mere renovation of the stage and stand is only a fragmented effort to better the appearance of individual components on the site. 因此我们通过一个非连续性的环形建筑将场地与功能汇总成单一且各自独立的系统。 风雨操场用统一语言和材料围合,在需要的地方加上座椅和屋顶,留出灵活使用的空间,保留一些难以拆除的构建。穿插在建筑里的高大树木完成了从屏障到联系的本质性转变;教学楼北侧原本令人感到不适的阴影区里两个模糊了室内外边界的建筑(包含临时的食堂、广播室、舞台及乒乓球桌)大大消解了阴影造成不适感;乒乓球区域的墙面在阻挡西面吹来的寒风同时又为使用者提供了观看的座位。 The problem with the sport ground is that there is no sense of place and a lack of coherent relationship between various programs. This results in a series of problems including low visibility between stage and stand, lack of use of table tennis tables and basketball fields, mutual exclusion between programs and ambiguous identity of the entire sport ground. As opposed to the fragmented intervention suggested by the client, we offered a comprehensive approach by proposing a discontinuous loop structure that embodies all the programs into one single system yet allows each program to maintain its operational independence. The sport ground is more unified with a single formal language and material. Existing trees no longer exist as barriers on the site but as buffer zones that connect different programs. The outdoor stage with a large cantilevered roof and the ping-pong pavilion on the north side of the sport ground eliminate the negative emotion in this shadowy zone. The horizontal continuity created by its scale make the stage and the table-tennis area more articulated on the site. The ping-pong pavilion also provide more seats and act as a wind barrier.
一个普通的体育场通常是指一个能够容纳各类体育赛事的半室内建筑,并为观众提供观看比赛的座位。这个被非连续环形建筑围合起来的风雨操场,与体育场十分相似。由于在城市校园内,除了进行体育运动之外它亦具有一些日常的、闲散的功能。草坪和座位为饭后的散步和午后的休闲聊天提供场所,这种功能和规模的趋向性以及使方法的差异性,最终造就了这个“1/2体育场”。 Activities that happen on this sport ground range from physical education classes to recess time ball games, from official athletic meet to a casual around-the-track walk after lunch. The complex programs and events that happen there results in this particular type of architecture which we called “1/2 stadium”.
outdoor stage
ping pong pavilion
main stand
east pavilion
项目名称: 1/2体育场
建筑设计: 空格建築
主持建筑师: 高亦陶, 顾云端
摄影:顾云端 Project Title: 1/2 Stadium
Location: Shijingshan district, Beijing
Architect: Interval Architects
Principal Architect: Oscar KO, GU Yunduan
Completion Date: November, 2013
Photography: GU Yunduan