本帖最后由 舆人设计 于 2019-10-22 09:57 编辑
建筑是有人居住的雕塑——布朗库西 Architecture is a living sculpture --- Constantin Brâncuși
康斯坦丁・布朗库西的缪斯进化 “东西外表的形象并不真实,真实的是东西内在的本质”,尽量减少雕塑作品表面繁杂的细节,让作品更具有体量感,并不是形式主义的空洞,也不是追求极简主义,而是沉醉于一种概念里的淬炼与思考。 "The external image of the East and the West is not real, the real is the intrinsic essence of the East and the West". To minimize the surface details of the sculpture works and make the works more specific, it is not the void of formalism, nor the pursuit of minimalism, but the refinement and reflection of a concept.
项目区内环境 Environment in the project area
设计项目隐于繁华广州的静谧街巷内,设计团队秉持以人为本的住宅改造倾听与探索,以雕塑语言描绘空间张力,是一种尝试,也是一种调解。 The design project is hidden in the quiet streets and alleys of prosperous Guangzhou. The design team adheres to the people-oriented listening and exploration of residential renovation. It is an attempt and a mediation to depict spatial tension in sculpture language.
空间原始状况及施工过程 Spatial primitive condition and construction process
In order to optimize natural lighting into space, the designer demolished part of the non-load-bearing wall and redesigned the home partition. The purpose of the whole design is to open everything up.
以居家延展生活场景的无限可能,呈现栖居的温度与灵动。客厅的弧形玻璃体块在白天通过引入自然光线消隐,自然调色让空间重返璞真自由。 The infinite possibilities of extending the life scene by living at home, presenting the temperature and agility of living.The arc-shaped glass block of the living room can be eliminated by introducing natural light in the daytime, and the natural color matching can make the space return to its true freedom.