Casa dos Outros update
王-畅 于2015-01-19 13:33发布在居住空间I am a big fan of the Tumblr site Casa dos Outros and it has been a while since I featured some of their spaces. These are from the homes of "regular" folks in Brazil, who have seriously got it going ...
胭脂设计事务所 于2015-01-20 15:13发布在居住空间【设计师】:胭脂赖(胭脂设计事务所)
【地 区】: 广州淘金家园
【户 型】:两房两厅+1多功能区
【面 积】:84平方米
【风 格】:美式风格
【预 算】:25万
【设计理念】:房子带精装修,不过有很多不合理的 ...