READ & Architects|READ
In: 日本Id: 2435837Fs: 2
简介:When people try to build architecture, regardless of the scale and the building type of project, there are relationships and environments in the background.
R.E.A.D. & Architects believes profound understanding of the relationships between people and places and the environments such as the given site is foundational to architectural designs. Our purpose is to create the new relationships and the better environments through our architectural designs.
账号建于:2021-07-06 22:54
日本极简混凝土别墅 | 2020 | READ Architects
2021-07-06 23:08|居住空间READ & Architects 公司位于日本长野县山区度假小镇轻井泽的浅间山附近,为一对即将退休的夫妇建造了“退休后生活共生之家”,同时也是他们的度假屋。
这座房子由两个由玻璃走廊连接的街区组成,走廊周围环绕着一 ...