In: 美国Id: 2351826Fs: 25
简介:mwworks llc is a Seattle based design studio offering architectural and interior design services to residential and commercial clients. Formed in 2007, by Steve Mongillo and Eric Walter, our office remains small, focused on compelling, collaborative projects of all scales.
Our work is guided by a commitment to the strength of the idea and a passion for the tangibles of material and detail. We bring an honest straightforward approach to our work, uniquely informed by circumstance, process, and ultimately the act of building itself. It is our goal to bring the vision of the client, the particulars of the site, and the richness of craft together to create an enduring livable architecture capable of inspiration and delight.
We believe in comprehensive design solutions that recognize and respond to global concerns regarding our limited natural resources, environmental pollution, health, and biodiversity. The process of building by its very nature consumes large amounts of resources. With elegant design, creative thinking and careful construction, buildings can be made to consume less and last longer. A building that functions well, delights the mind, and pleases the eye will remain farther from the wrecking ball. In addition, the integration of sustainable technologies like planted green roofs, solar power, water collection, recycled materials, and passive solar design doesn’t need to look and feel like an experiment. Thoughtful incorporation of these elements and principles early in the design process can produce buildings that are rich, appealing and most importantly, responsible.
联系地址:159 western avenue west suite 484 seattle, washington 98119
账号建于:2020-06-27 01:12
海洋大道住宅 | mwworks | 2018 | 美国
2022-08-08 00:19|居住空间,mwworks:Ocean Drive 是一个 6,112 平方英尺的单层公寓单元,位于佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩的一座俯瞰大西洋的新住宅大楼内。这些客户常驻西雅图,经常出差,但深深扎根于狭小地带,一直想回家。为了容纳一个六口之 ...
玉兰别墅 | mwworks | 2018 | 美国
2022-03-26 23:50|建筑设计,mwworks:这座位于西雅图 Magnolia 社区的 2,900 平方英尺的住宅是为一对活跃的夫妇设计的,他们希望与户外建立牢固的联系、获得日光和清晰的开放计划。他们的目标是在邻近设施的步行距离内建造一座朴素的房子, ...
mwworks 新作 | 惠德比岛农场度假屋(Whidbey Island Farm Retreat)
2020-06-27 01:28|品牌精选一个当地家庭位于惠德比岛的一个乡村地带,在其家庭农场的地盘上寻求新的家园并撤退。出于对位于该地点的世纪之交的农业建筑的尊重,这座房屋进入了茂密森林的山坡边缘,俯瞰着鸡棚,风化的红色谷仓,牛场和一个钓 ...