1 / 现代菜单:Jermaine Gallacher、Coco Bayley和Lant Street Wine的Ben Wilcock,提供饮酒、招待和娱乐。
2020-8-4 07:28|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%...bottle of Claret thats just come out of the fridge. But I think its such a subjective thing. I quite enjoy Sauvignon as a grape, especially Pouilly-Fumés and Sanceres – I dont know why, I just enjoy them.
“So, I think you should do what you want and enjoy. And thats why I say to people, ...
2 / 现代菜单:Seppe Nobels在安特卫普的Graanmarkt 13制作菊苣塔丁和芥末叶沙拉。
2020-8-4 06:57|TheModernHouse|餐饮设计|100%...akes centre stage in Graanmarkt 13’s culinary offering, and has been the subject of two books, Greens that taste like friendship and Vegetables that sparkle the conversation, both with names that define the cheery, bonhomie way Seppe wants you to eat.
Here, in our series on how chefs are inspi...