本帖最后由 大陀螺 于 2017-2-6 10:25 编辑
这间顶层公寓位于南滨海湾,享有迈阿密海滩的极致美景。 阁楼的室内设计简洁优雅,现代休闲与迈阿密海景相互融合,在整个空间中融入 的有机纹理,石头,风化的木材,玻璃,柔情的光线从宽敞的落地窗照射进来,使室内外形成一个相互对话的空间,当你走进这里,深呼吸,满满的都是家的味道。 This penthouse is located in the Bentley Bay South condominium with views over Biscayne Bay on Miami Beach. Penthouse interior design is made with elegant design in a modern style with "Miami Style" stylish. ..Open them and breathe it in. It's home.
我们将特拉维夫的传统元素融合了现代美学中, 在这个阁楼里,你会看到光滑的混凝土和大量的窗户(包括很大的落地窗),让我们在空间中就能感受到明亮和宽敞, 木色饰面和金属材质的运用, 桌子悬挂着的一系列金属灯笼吊灯,呼吁着特拉维夫的文化历史。 we’ll jet off to Tel Aviv where traditional elements blend with modern aesthetics. In this penthouse, you’ll see smooth concrete and plenty of windows (oh, yes, more windows to die for), but the layout and feel is so much more airy and light. A touch of wood there. A speckle of metal there. Over the table hangs a series of lanterns: a calling to the cultural history of Tel Aviv.