本帖最后由 four 于 2017-8-1 16:02 编辑
就美食而言,空间的风格显得毫无意义,在消费市场中提供一个场所,是自我标榜或是引人遐想, 无疑后者不那么自以为是。所以项目入手之初我们唯一确定的因数----它必须当代。
In terms of food, the decoration style of restaurant seems meaningless. It just providing the place forcustomers, some of the decoration styles are self-advertised, while others makecustomers reverie. It is no doubt that the latter is not so opinionated. So at thebeginning of this project the only factor we considered is: It must be contemporary.
一次就餐过程实际上是一场多元感官体验,兴奋指数来源于情理之中意料之外的刺激。 为此,我们制造一个陌生态的场景供人们做熟悉的事,以获得一场关于饱满的复杂体验。
Dining actually is amulti-sensory experience; excitement index is from the unexpected stimulus. So,we create a strange scene for people while they are do familiar things in orderto get a full and complicated experience.